ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

The “search dog” on Windows XP is so ridiculous

This is honestly the most ridiculous thing in Windows XP:

The “search dog” in Windows XP

OK, so maybe the search feature can be daunting for those who are new to computers, but this takes forever to load sometimes and uses up valuable system resources. — Someone who's new to Windows probably doesn't have a high-end machine! Did this score well with test audiences in a controlled environment, or something? 😄

Furthermore, if you're in a rush (as you probably are if you don't have time to track down the files you're looking for manually), it can be pretty distracting if you haven't disabled it already after a previous encounter. 😞

I've been lucky to spend most of my time on Mac for the past few years, but when I do jump over to Windows for something, things like this can really stand out. 🤔