ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

Comcast vs. Verizon FIOS basement wiring in an apartment complex (compared)

I thought this was amusing, yet simultaneously horrifying. — Is Comcast joking, seriously?

FIOS. Comcast....
Verizon FiOS equipment (left), vs. Comcast's messy wiring. (right)

Verizon FiOS neatly routes their fiber-optic lines to the premises, where as Comcast has a juncture box filled with a tangled-mess of wires so large that the door to it won't even close! — Clearly, they just don't care.

I hope no Comcast customers open their monthly bills to find their neighbor's “On-Demand” pay-per-view purchases on their account, hah. — “America's Largest Fiber-Optic Network”… yeah right, check out the photo to see how you're really getting connected. 😅

Thanks to my buddy Jared for not only posing in the photos, but also for bringing this to my attention for posting! 😂