ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

PSP (PlayStation Portable)'s OS background color changes monthly.

I was wondering why everyone's homescreen background color was lime-green… and originally thought it was based on the timezone. However, I was wrong! It actually changes monthly. — Here are the colors:

  • January = gray
  • February = dull-yellow
  • March = lime-green
  • April = pink
  • May = dark-green
  • June = light-purple
  • July = tealish-blue
  • August = blue
  • September = purple
  • October = gold
  • November = brown
  • December = red
All of the Sony PSP default wallpaper colors.

I went through and took pictures of each color. The red and the blue ones are my favorites, but the lime-green in March is a runner-up. 🙂