ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

The simple guide to laughing online (my “how-to” dictionary)

When some people laugh online, they don't actually know what they're saying! Let me clarify the terminology. 😉

  • haha = A casual laugh.
  • ha ha = A “Nelson” style laugh from the Simpsons, usually at someone else's expense. (Hear sample)
  • hah = Something you don't really think is that funny, but you're laughing more-or-less to be polite and to merit the honor of the other person trying so hard to be funny.
  • heh = This goes by the same terms as “hah”, but what you're laughing at usually wasn't supposed to be funny. For example: “I'm such an idiot.” — “heh.”
  • hehe = Generally, the other person has said something cute or crafty that's made you feel silly. 🙂
  • lol = Giving this response means you just heard something that was actually “laughable”-funny, and you actually laughed on the other end… rather than just smiled and/or made a witty come-back. Congratulations to the person you're chatting with! 😄
  • LOL or lolol = Think of this as lol, squared. — Chances are you will remember laughing about this in a few days/weeks/months/years since it was funnier than a lot of the other stuff that's happened.
  • rofl, lmao, or rotflmao = These used to be a creative way of laughing other than the typical “lol,” but generally the only people that use these now are completely overdoing it in the place of “heh” or “hehe,” and sometimes “haha.” 😄 (Yes, I mean you Nate! Just kidding, haha. ) — However, it is OK to use these if someone else did something stupid and you're laughing at them as a friend. 😅

… That's all I can think of right now. I'll add more stuff later if I forgot any! 😄