ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

Kingdom Hearts: Hidden secret endings!

… Sorry that I haven't been posting more often! 🙇🏼‍

Kingdom Hearts and its sequel have hidden ending cutscenes that only appear if you've hit certain goals while playing the game. — For those without the time or patience for completing these, others have been nice enough to upload these cutscenes to YouTube for everyone to see! 😅

If you haven't played these games yet, definitely don't spoil them with these videos:

I actually wish that I'd known about these sooner, as the hidden videos for the original game foreshadowed a bit about the second. — Seeing this video would have better tied them together and gave a clue about what to expect, as the two plots are basically put in a blender with a bunch of other titles in the series that released on other consoles besides PlayStation 2.

For a while when first playing the sequel, it seemed like only the characters carried over, and not much of the primary story from the original!

… Anyway, back to work for me. 😄