ベン・ギルド (Ben Guild)

Summer of apps (2013): “Twitter Cleaner” hits the App Store!

In order to drum up some reviews for this quick app I built called “Twitter Cleaner” (titled “Followed User Cleaner (for Twitter)” on the App Store for trademark reasons 😅), I've made it free until August 31st, 2013!

This app lets you surf through your your Twitter followings and clean out people that are boring, don't post to their feed, or were followed by accident. — It's a great follow-up to the tool I built to migrate Google Reader to Twitter a while ago. (… which has since been retired.)

I follow about 1,200 accounts currently, and my hope is to get this number down to 900 or below. I needed a way to clear this out gradually, as there's no mechanism to easily uncover accounts that don't regularly show up on your feed on Twitter. — This app connects to any of your device's associated Twitter accounts and enables you to casually unfollow accounts that no longer fit your tastes!

This app is normally $0.99 USD and works on both iPhone and iPad. — It's just the first version so there may be some minor bugs, but one great feature of it is that it remembers your position amongst your Twitter relationships and updates its list periodically without causing you to lose your place and see the same people again. (Thanks, SQLite!)

UPDATE (2013/09/28): An “iOS 7”-focused update (including bug fixes) was submitted to the App Store today! The updated UI is shown below:

Screenshot of "Followed User Cleaner (for Twitter)" for iPhone and iPad on iOS 6 Screenshot of "Followed User Cleaner (for Twitter)" for iPhone and iPad on iOS 7
The app now supports both the classic iPhone look (left), and flatter “iOS 7” look (right)… depending on your installed iOS version.

Check it out, and leave a positive review if you like it!